Kool Farah's Mysterious Worship Place Awaits Registration

Tehran, 15 February 2006 (CHN) -- Ayapir Cultural Heritage Team is determined to prepare the file of six Elamite intaglios in Kool Farah, the biggest worship place of Iran during the ancient times, in the list of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites.
Kool Farah is situated 7 kilometers southeast of Eazeh in Khuzestan province and is one of the most important historical sites of this province. It is located in a gorge surrounded by two stone mountains on which there are engravings depicting the figure heads of a monarch, a commander, a man and a women, captives, and animals such as cow, bison and sheep. It shows a form of worship or respect and the offering of gifts to the ruler. This engraving belongs to the Elamite period (2700 BC-539 BC). There is also an Elamite inscription on the northern wall of the gorge and the carved image of Kool Farah governor.
“No clarified picture has been provided from these intaglios so far. Since the intaglios were carved in different levels, it is not easy to take a vivid picture from them and it requires some special technical methods. Understanding the meanings of these carvings would give us a new conception about the ancient religious ceremonies of Elamite civilization. On the other hand, it would also be another step toward preparing the file for inscribing this unique historical site in the list of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites,” said Jafar Mehrkian, archeologists and head of Ayapir Cultural Heritage Team.
The intaglio of 400 figures in a ceremonial religious ritual can be seen in this worship place. Mehrkian believes that these engravings somehow indicate the first appearance of religious ideologies in human beings. The scene of carrying the Gods, scarifying, and music performances can also be seen in these intaglios.
“Studies on Eazeh historical sites, including Tarshia and Narsina worship places, aim at preparing a comprehensive file for these ancient sites to be sent to UNESCO for world registration,” said Mehrkian.
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