Traces of the First Susa Governments Discovered in Sustar

Tehran, 24 February 2006 (CHN) -- Archeological excavations in Tal-e Abouchizan in Sustar in Khuzestan province resulted in the discovery of three stamp-seals in this historical site. These seals were made of tar and must have been used for sealing the storehouses in which goods were kept. This is the first time such seals have been discovered in a historical site in Khuzestan province. Although some stamps were discovered in some of the graves in Susa, another city in Khuzestan province, it is the first time such evidence has been discovered in the archeological layers of Sustar.
Discovery of three seals for the first time in Tal-e Abouchizan near the city of Sustar resulted in finding the traces of the founders of the first governments in Susa some 7000 years ago. These seals indicate the existence of a socio-political disciplinary system in the society at that time which led to the establishment of the first governments in Khuzestan province.
“Most probably the seals were used for controlling trades which resulted in forming of the first local ruling system in Khuzestan province,” said Mehdi Moghadam, head of archeological excavation team in Tal-e Abouchizan historical site.
According to Moghadam, the existence of these seals indicates the importance of this region some 6000 year ago and its influence on the forming of first governments in Susa. “The existence of these seals is as a sign of a revolution in the form of ruling system in Khuzestan. Some signs can be seen on these seals which are not readable,” added Moghadam.
“Some important changes took place in Khuzestan plain at the end of the 5th century BC. By adding beans and animal meets in food baskets of families, sources of livelihood changed in the region. Big settlement areas changed into smaller ones and ultimately led to the establishment of the city of Susa which held one of the most powerful governments in Khuzestan province. Taking into account that Tal-e Abuchizan was one of the cultural sites in the region, most probably it had the highest influence on Susa’s ruling system and the first governments in Khuzestan originated from this region,” explained Moghadam.
Tal-e Abouchizan is one of the marginal sites of Susa which contains some historical evidence from the Elamite to the Islamic period. Tal-e Abouchizan has a strategic position. From east it leads to Ramhormoz, Behbahan, and Fars, from west it leads to Sustar and Susa, and from the south it leads to Ahvaz and the Persian Gulf. The first season of excavation has started in this region to find out the role of the area in the establishment of the first governments in Susa.
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